10/02/2024 | 香港驗車的客戶們,龍年佳節即將來臨 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/02/2024 | 香港驗車 CEO 拜年 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/02/2024 | 【HKMI 香港驗車】香港驗車拜年 | Reasonable Stresses |
29/12/2023 | 車保優惠報價 | Members Benefits |
24/12/2023 | 兒童腎病基金會聖誕流體熊活動 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/10/2023 | 保障消費者權益 一切從教育開始 | Press Release |
12/10/2023 | 交通意外如何處理? | Activity Classrooms |
06/10/2023 | 兩個身份 保障消費者權益 | Press Release |
20/09/2023 | 17年來騙徒手法日新月異 | Press Release |
18/09/2023 | 專家教路小心鏽跡黴味防中招 黑雨「化妝車」湧現二手市場 | Press Release |
18/09/2023 | 專家教路小心鏽跡黴味防中招 黑雨「化妝車」湧現二手市場 | Press Release |
16/09/2023 | 暴雨後「水浸車」湧現二手市場?買二手車4注意 | Press Release |
15/09/2023 | 兩萬蚊部Scirocco 上架有咩問題?驗咗先買究竟幾重要? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/09/2023 | 驗車專家提小心水浸二手車 料最快 10 日後流入市面 | Press Release |
20/05/2023 | 寶馬燒簪口 沙田出沒 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/05/2023 | 東涌出沒請注意 引擎號碼不符 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/04/2023 | 帶科學理論走出象牙塔 中小學STEM教學顧問盧覺強廣撒知識種子 | Activity Classrooms |
05/03/2023 | 究竟係老千?定係有其他原因呢? 直出唔剪 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/02/2023 | 部車鑊左!仲輸埋驗車費? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/01/2023 | 十八年無忘初衷 始終如一邁向前 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/12/2022 | 理大電機工程系合作 舉辦電動車課程 培訓驗電動車師傅 | Press Release |
03/11/2022 | Get an independent inspection before taking your car to the garage!!! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/09/2022 | 中間人還是忠奸人? 球證還是上帝之手? | Reasonable Stresses |
15/09/2022 | 香港驗車HKMI .初心 | Press Release |
18/06/2022 | 英國驗車 - 公司介紹 | Press Release |
18/06/2022 | 英國驗車 - 驗車服務 | Press Release |
18/06/2022 | 英國驗車 - 服務詳情 | Press Release |
29/04/2022 | 全新車速遞到客人工作地點 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/03/2022 | 先驗車後落訂 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/03/2022 | 新一代Tesla驗車記.新舊Tesla有咩唔同? 香港驗車話你知 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/02/2022 | 疫下安全驗車.保障師傅客人 HKMI 抗疫新措施 | Reasonable Stresses |
22/02/2022 | 感謝醫護 守護市民 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/02/2022 | 疫下買車 保護自己和家人 | Customers Opinions |
11/02/2022 | 為前線人員打氣 送贈口罩 同心抗疫 | Reasonable Stresses |
06/12/2021 | 大時大節 買車小錦囊 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/11/2021 | 驗車前不要落訂 提防合約陷阱 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/11/2021 | 新車驗車好重要 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
01/11/2021 | 新手買車 驗車師傅詳細解答 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/10/2021 | 客人想驗車又沒時間 香港驗車幫到你 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/10/2021 | 買二手車要記住 驗車後才落訂 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/10/2021 | HKMI 驗車前咪落訂 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
05/10/2021 | 保養期完結前 驗自己車的好處 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/09/2021 | 當添師傅遇上外國客人 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/09/2021 | Big Data 交通大數據 | Reasonable Stresses |
18/09/2021 | HKMI Friend reminder: Never buy a car without doing car inspection, BE A smart customer. ( English ) | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/09/2021 | 6752cc 的豪華房車賓利 Mulsanne | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/09/2021 | 男人夢寐以求的dream car---東瀛戰神!GTR! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
11/08/2021 | HKMI Friend reminder: Never buy a car without doing car inspection, BE A smart customer. ( Cantonese ) | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/07/2021 | 跟住師傅去驗車#3 檢驗林寶堅尼 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2021 | 跟住師傅去驗車丨「大添的愛」古董車篇 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/07/2021 | 跟住師傅去驗車丨混能車點樣check?冷氣出風口唔同溫度係正常? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/06/2021 | 大涌橋路車禍|私家車衝擊力達4.6噸 | Press Release |
15/06/2021 | 究竟電動車係咪無懈可擊呢? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/06/2021 | 究竟電動車係咪無懈可擊呢?【二】 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/06/2021 | 小心積木車 Stepwgn | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/02/2021 | 亮師傅點解加入HKMI? 原來好多朋友都唔知部車有事! | Reasonable Stresses |
04/02/2021 | 又係新車 點解會咁嘅呢? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/02/2021 | 究竟主場係咪有利呢? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/02/2021 | 騙徒手法層出不窮 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/01/2021 | 全新行貨 FK8 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/01/2021 | 疫情加年尾鑊車再湧現 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
01/01/2021 | 小心流浪貓 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/12/2020 | 【HONDA 車迷留意車輛回收】09-18年涉51萬架 | Customers Opinions |
02/12/2020 | 我的心痛別離 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/11/2020 | 全新Tesla 驗後分享 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/11/2020 | Honda Fans巧遇揸Honda師傅 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/11/2020 | 同床異夢 同場童夢 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/10/2020 | D100訪問|香港驗車經營理念 | Press Release |
14/10/2020 | D100訪問|買賣二手車小貼士 | Press Release |
01/10/2020 | 智破「777」合約陷阱(下集) | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/09/2020 | 智破「777」合約陷阱(上集) | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/09/2020 | Brand of Japan, while manufactured by Turkey | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/09/2020 | 同行十五載 唯初心不改 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/09/2020 | Innocent car buyer being framed, HKMI availed to reach justice | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
11/09/2020 | The trust from clients, integrity of HKMI, makes the best marriage | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/09/2020 | HKMI introduces the stratagem for getting your international Driving Permit in 5 steps | Useful Information |
01/09/2020 | 不一樣的開學日 | Customers Opinions |
17/08/2020 | 二手車買賣手法 層出不窮 一不留神招損失 小心為上 | Reasonable Stresses |
17/08/2020 | 香港驗車與運輸業界同行 採用Bactakleen 協助消毒車輛 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/08/2020 | 香港驗車與運輸業界同行 | Reasonable Stresses |
28/07/2020 | 二人限聚令驗車安排 疫情下買車自保 | Customers Opinions |
08/07/2020 | 點錯相無所謂,有乜嘢慢慢傾 | Reasonable Stresses |
30/06/2020 | 江先生之真情對話 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/06/2020 | 運輸署終於重開|想盡快過戶梗係要識揀驗車地方 | Useful Information |
23/06/2020 | 香港驗車《明志》.買家選擇《明智》 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/06/2020 | 殺訂 退訂 | Reasonable Stresses |
31/05/2020 | HKMI危言聳聽|真係咁恐怖咩? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/05/2020 | 夏雨天續集 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/05/2020 | 古有劉備三顧草廬|今有黎生三顧HKMI | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/05/2020 | 驗車不是修理|驗車才是驗車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/05/2020 | 用心聆聽詳細解釋 | Reasonable Stresses |
05/05/2020 | 六月八日全面復課|買車前記得驗車 | Customers Opinions |
01/05/2020 | 買新車點解唔可以驗|冇得驗原來真係唔買 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
30/04/2020 | 買車真係要小心|一開始就唔講真話 | Reasonable Stresses |
29/04/2020 | 90後買樓不成|買車尋找自己的空間 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/04/2020 | 地產霸權|買車自High | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/04/2020 | 驗左部咩車?有MR4嘅咩? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/04/2020 | 新車攞左有問題|即時打來插隊 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/04/2020 | 身份不明|買定唔買 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/04/2020 | 首先非常感謝香港驗車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/03/2020 | 疫情期間搭飛機|如何自保? | Press Release |
17/03/2020 | 女揸fit人| 賣車買車絲打話晒事! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/03/2020 | 香港驗車罩住你,罩得一個得一個 | Customers Opinions |
27/02/2020 | Bactakleen 納米霧化消毒服務優惠 | Members Benefits |
12/02/2020 | 法庭專家證人|阿添做書童 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/02/2020 | 運輸署疫情期間過戶安排 | Useful Information |
10/02/2020 | 汽車買賣合約 | Useful Information |
05/02/2020 | 【捍戰】 捍衛消費者權益戰 | Reasonable Stresses |
26/01/2020 | 棄政從商年收「8球」,香港驗車老闆:繼續參選應該有份坐監! | Press Release |
18/10/2019 | 香港驗車朱祖恩 斥百萬搞App「未試過投資咁多錢 都仲未回本!」 | Press Release |
10/06/2019 | 未驗車先落訂係錯!係錯!係錯! | Press Release |
05/06/2019 | 車房劏客 - 首宗汽車維修涉違反商品說明條例 車房董事被捕 | Press Release |
05/06/2019 | 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 分享 | Activity Classrooms |
02/06/2019 | 精明消費者 - 點買車先最平? | Activity Classrooms |
26/05/2019 | 驗車師傅的日常 - Mazda CX3 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/05/2019 | 買車落訂 簽左約車有事 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/05/2019 | 支持記者,不偏不倚,為公義發聲 | Press Release |
10/05/2019 | 多謝各位一直以來對香港驗車的支持 | Reasonable Stresses |
29/04/2019 | 驗車師傅的日常 - FREED 08 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/04/2019 | 拆解二手車市場5大陷阱 出車前上門驗車穩陣方便 | Press Release |
23/04/2019 | 國產Audi致癌風暴 港專家:瀝青隔音棉揮發甲醛 小心淘寶黑心貨 | Press Release |
08/04/2019 | 澳門交通事務局 第一屆交通意外重組畢業典禮 | Activity Classrooms |
01/03/2019 | 驗車日常 - 先驗車後落訂 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/02/2019 | 一如既往維持中立 分析案情不偏不倚 | Press Release |
21/02/2019 | 搭巴士要留意啲乜嘢? | Press Release |
21/02/2019 | 驗車日常 - 點解要先驗車後落訂? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/02/2019 | 驗車日常【買車前先驗車!】 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
02/02/2019 | 驗車門 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/12/2018 | 以為新車就冇問題?新車都要驗! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/12/2018 | 車行遲到還爆粗問候師傅娘親 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/12/2018 | Hyundai 現代 Ioniq Electric 2018 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
06/12/2018 | 新車都要驗?驗嚟都多餘? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
05/12/2018 | 愛心護士推薦急症室梁醫生 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/11/2018 | 回應愛心兒科護士 Hedy千字文 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/11/2018 | 驗車師父的日常 - Ford Mustang | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
05/11/2018 | 愛心護士 確保安全 驗收新車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/10/2018 | 當香港先生遇上香港驗車時 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/10/2018 | 驗車師傅的日常【Volks Golf R 14'】 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/10/2018 | 驗車是一時的!朋友是一世的! | Reasonable Stresses |
18/10/2018 | 證大路小巴越線爬頭釀車禍 小路女司機 靠港版伽利略脫罪 | Press Release |
18/10/2018 | 港版「伽利略」憑車Cam助車禍苦主伸冤 | Press Release |
07/10/2018 | 離譜 疑Tesla車保冇錢賺 AXA單方面終止保單 | Press Release |
07/10/2018 | Tesla維修費媲美歐洲名跑 換擋風玻璃要過萬元 | Press Release |
25/09/2018 | 水浸車流入二手車市場 5招教你輕鬆分辨 | Activity Classrooms |
20/09/2018 | 【打風點解爆玻璃】3大怪事引爆玻璃 最奇係玻璃同山竹有共鳴 | Activity Classrooms |
14/09/2018 | 超強颱風逼近 | Activity Classrooms |
13/09/2018 | 點解熱水爐會「爆水」 | Activity Classrooms |
10/09/2018 | 驗車之後有咩要知? | Reasonable Stresses |
30/08/2018 | 【娜姐P牌日記】5個防買積木二手車貼士 驗車師傅教路 | Press Release |
08/06/2018 | 小心化妝車 無良車行 日本爛車翻新出售 | Press Release |
12/05/2018 | 又係Freed | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/05/2018 | 驗車師傅的日常 7 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/05/2018 | 事故Freed續集 當事人現身交代 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
05/05/2018 | 師傅憑良心實話實說 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/05/2018 | 汽車維修中心的驗車服務有咩分別 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/04/2018 | 【搵車快線】首創流動驗車服務 為汽車買賣把關 | Press Release |
27/04/2018 | 如果代理商提供保養服務,應注意什麼 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/04/2018 | 點解買二手車前要驗一驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/04/2018 | 驗車師傅的日常 1 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
06/04/2018 | 佛系玩驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
30/03/2018 | Tesla車主請注意 | Press Release |
27/03/2018 | 「積木車」道路上的計時炸彈! | Reasonable Stresses |
12/03/2018 | 車行扮私人 零首車撞左唔知 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/03/2018 | 買二手車必讀 | Reasonable Stresses |
28/02/2018 | 當香港驗車遇到善良不懂車的車行Sales | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/02/2018 | 小心尿袋起火 | Activity Classrooms |
17/02/2018 | 大埔公路車禍釀19死 專家倡九巴增設監察傾側儀器 | Press Release |
17/02/2018 | 大埔公路車禍釀19死 專家倡九巴增設監察傾側儀器 | Activity Classrooms |
12/02/2018 | 大埔公路九巴翻側大車禍 | Press Release |
11/02/2018 | 加裝警報器 免費為巴士公司設計 | Reasonable Stresses |
03/02/2018 | 豐田氣袋失靈 港回收2,400輛 | Press Release |
17/01/2018 | 涉嫌違反交通法例 | Reasonable Stresses |
06/01/2018 | 貨櫃車交通意外 | Press Release |
30/11/2017 | 又係唔驗車嘅結果!終於賣唔到! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/11/2017 | 港版神探伽利略 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/11/2017 | 佩戴安全帶 保障生命 | Press Release |
12/11/2017 | 貪方面?賣車唔轉名?一身蟻 | Press Release |
03/11/2017 | 唔想惹官非 賣車必轉名 | Press Release |
03/11/2017 | 唔想惹官非 賣車必轉名 | Press Release |
10/10/2017 | 日本神戶製鋼所竄改資料 豐田汽車用到不合格產品 | Press Release |
28/09/2017 | 城巴奪命大車禍・接受東張西望訪問 | Press Release |
28/09/2017 | 城巴奪命大車禍 | Press Release |
25/09/2017 | 距前車2.4米 巴士才煞車 | Press Release |
25/09/2017 | 距前車2.4米 巴士才煞車 | Activity Classrooms |
22/09/2017 | 狂數馬路「五宗罪」 可構成危險駕駛 | Press Release |
19/09/2017 | 毒招!意外三年後入稟 有人搞到傾家蕩產|壹週Plus | Press Release |
19/09/2017 | 私了後果嚴重 因小失大 | Press Release |
19/09/2017 | 醉駕隨時遇上屈錢黨酒後切勿駕駛 | Press Release |
19/09/2017 | 交通意外 必須報警 必須報保險 | Press Release |
15/09/2017 | 撞車黨屈過百萬 毒招!意外三年後入稟 有人搞到傾家蕩產 | Press Release |
15/09/2017 | 狂數馬路「五宗罪」 可構成危險駕駛 | Press Release |
03/09/2017 | 積木車道路上計時炸彈 | Reasonable Stresses |
26/08/2017 | 【又打風喇】提防窗戶爆玻璃 工程師:貼米字型膠紙最隱陣 | Press Release |
26/08/2017 | 【又打風喇】提防窗戶爆玻璃 工程師:貼米字型膠紙最隱陣月 | Activity Classrooms |
24/08/2017 | 【鹹水浸車後】輕則短路重則起火 工程師:成架車唔要得 | Press Release |
24/08/2017 | 【鹹水浸車後】颱風後14日急售 貪平易購入「水浸車」 | Press Release |
21/08/2017 | Macau traffic case first for expert witness | Press Release |
21/08/2017 | Legal first for Hong Kong expert witness who helps deliver justice in Macau for accused motorist | Press Release |
21/08/2017 | 衝出香港任澳門專家證人 | Activity Classrooms |
19/08/2017 | 冷氣長開要唞唞?又開又關更耗電? 冷氣機慳電耐用3貼士 | Activity Classrooms |
15/07/2017 | 賣車不成 打來爆粗 專業客服 耐心聆聽 | Reasonable Stresses |
13/07/2017 | 懸紅一萬元 緝拿真兇 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/07/2017 | 【牙籤弩.有片】港版伽利略實測:時速48公里 輕易插入豬肉 | Press Release |
29/06/2017 | Boundless service guarantee Consumer rights | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/06/2017 | Boundless service guarantee Consumer rights! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/06/2017 | 保障消費者權益 買車前記得要驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
13/06/2017 | 二十四孝為老人家換車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/06/2017 | 年半前驗車今日又再驗車!何解? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
11/06/2017 | 電池短路 隨時釀成災害 | Press Release |
10/06/2017 | 盧覺強-提醒汽車常識 『小心破窗神器』 | Activity Classrooms |
09/06/2017 | Tesla 車主留意 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/06/2017 | 迷失的風隔 | Reasonable Stresses |
03/06/2017 | 2008 Estima Hybrid 換全新大電 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/05/2017 | 愛就是這麼簡單… … | Reasonable Stresses |
04/05/2017 | Between eggs and walls | Reasonable Stresses |
21/04/2017 | 特斯拉回收5.3萬輛車 | Press Release |
31/03/2017 | 臨時取消order驗新車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/03/2017 | 翻驗 收車前必須翻驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/03/2017 | 假期咁多 提醒身邊人驗車 | Customers Opinions |
23/03/2017 | 新車遲交兩星期 今日收車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/03/2017 | 想驗新車 又想慳錢 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/03/2017 | 全新車2017年 用2015年軚 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/03/2017 | 交通意外 逃生技巧 | Activity Classrooms |
19/03/2017 | 盧覺強擔任viu TV 評判 | Press Release |
17/03/2017 | 驚慄車禍:專家估計涉事車時速逾百公里 | Press Release |
17/03/2017 | 真理! 一分錢!一分貨! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/03/2017 | 全新車!收車即驗!有嘢聽! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/03/2017 | 小心九龍圓方往西隧有交通意外 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/03/2017 | 全新車!點解玻璃有白油漆漬? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
11/03/2017 | 迷?謎? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/03/2017 | 驗全新車 看油漆度數 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
02/03/2017 | 驗新車就是驗細節 也是驗良心 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/02/2017 | 【財政預算案】電動私家車登記稅寬免設限 買Tesla 60萬變100萬 | Press Release |
22/02/2017 | 電動汽車 新的電動車首次登記稅寬免 | Press Release |
22/02/2017 | 預算案電動車寬免設上限$97,500 | Press Release |
17/02/2017 | 驗全新Tesla Model X | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/02/2017 | 驗全新 Tesla七座位SUV- Model X | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/02/2017 | 《驗車說愛你》 | Reasonable Stresses |
07/02/2017 | 第二次驗Mark X | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/01/2017 | 專家証人主講交通意外重組講座 | Activity Classrooms |
16/01/2017 | 朋友信得過?還是朋友好心做壞事? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/01/2017 | 車屍還魂HKMI微電影 | Activity Classrooms |
30/12/2016 | 驗完一次再翻驗 加驗輻射倍安心 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/12/2016 | HKMI微電影教育消費者 | Press Release |
23/12/2016 | 翁生的經驗分享 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/12/2016 | 疑有輻射二手車流入 請大家記得要驗輻射 | Press Release |
14/12/2016 | 自己車自己驗推出後,很多車主都預約檢查,一般有幾種情況。 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/12/2016 | 車主連環被屈 零首車變大撞 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/12/2016 | 新車都要驗! 遮遮掩掩! 你你懂的! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/12/2016 | 零首堅咪 私人轉讓 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
01/12/2016 | HKMI盧覺強拆解 罕見車禍 | Activity Classrooms |
23/11/2016 | 全新 Kia sorento desel | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/11/2016 | 先驗車後收車 求明白保安心 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
05/11/2016 | Tesla房車撞樹起大火 FBI前特工慘遭燒死 | Press Release |
01/11/2016 | 買車唔驗車? 港島事故車出沒! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/10/2016 | 驗新車?驗唔驗?自己決定! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/10/2016 | 約見楊岳橋議員 爭取消費者權益 | Press Release |
24/10/2016 | 成立十週年 | Press Release |
21/10/2016 | 交通意外肇事司機承擔維修 受害車主要求代收確保安全 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/10/2016 | 皇冠代理配合 全新車驗後出牌 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/10/2016 | 買車前要注意(硬件) | Press Release |
30/09/2016 | 講解貨櫃車日常保養知識 | Press Release |
25/09/2016 | Claimed recent check done? You DOUBLE check son! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/09/2016 | 追求完美?還是求個心安? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/09/2016 | 2016 JAGUAR XE 全港兩部 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/09/2016 | 又係Tesla! 新車要驗? | Customers Opinions |
22/09/2016 | 2016Fiat 500 新車都要驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/09/2016 | 重複犯錯 大步檻過 驗自己車 確保安全 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
11/09/2016 | Honda Vezel 新車都要驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/09/2016 | Tesla 新車都要驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/09/2016 | 撥咪同波鞋有什麼關係? | Press Release |
08/09/2016 | 小心買車 買到積木車 嘉賓盧覺強講解車身碰撞造成的後果 | Press Release |
03/09/2016 | 【商業電台 雷霆881 【贏在買車前 】 | Press Release |
01/09/2016 | 彈弓遮殺傷力大 錯誤使用隨時受傷 | Activity Classrooms |
31/08/2016 | 點解新車都要驗? | Activity Classrooms |
28/08/2016 | 私家車撞停車場 道路使用者响起警號 | Activity Classrooms |
20/08/2016 | 有得揀先至係老闆! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/08/2016 | 又係Tesla?又出事了? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/08/2016 | 駁尾Fit 西九龍中心 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/08/2016 | 真車主 先驗車 後成交 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/08/2016 | 自己車都要驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/08/2016 | 停一停 諗一諗 先驗車 後成交 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/08/2016 | 先驗車後成交 了解全車狀況 憑信譽看口碑 全因獨立公正 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/07/2016 | 新車都要驗 2016 Ford Mustang | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/07/2016 | 自己車都要驗 定期檢查確保安全 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/07/2016 | | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/07/2016 | 自己車都要驗 定期檢查確保安全 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/07/2016 | 平治百年老店 仁孚代理配合 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/07/2016 | 自己車都要驗 2008Fit | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/07/2016 | 為家庭負責 買左先驗車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/07/2016 | 為家庭負責 買左先驗車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/07/2016 | 法庭專家証人 盧覺強工程師 | Press Release |
15/07/2016 | 只要用心 公道自在人心 | Press Release |
15/07/2016 | 呢塊布相當有可疑 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/07/2016 | 收車!驗車!執車! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/07/2016 | 劏胎等同謀殺! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/07/2016 | 呢塊布相當有可疑 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/07/2016 | 收車!驗車!執車! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/07/2016 | 劏胎等同謀殺 | Activity Classrooms |
12/07/2016 | 法庭專家証人 盧覺強工程師 | Press Release |
12/07/2016 | 兩男屢藉試車偷車後轉手 GoGoVan無人吼 | Press Release |
12/07/2016 | Tesla 新車有異常聲響 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/07/2016 | Tesla 新車有異常聲響 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/07/2016 | 關注牛頭角迷你倉四級大火 | Press Release |
04/07/2016 | 情理法?還是法理情? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/07/2016 | 驗車驗唔驗到有冇死過人 | Reasonable Stresses |
03/07/2016 | 驗車驗唔驗到有冇死過人? | Reasonable Stresses |
01/07/2016 | Tesla driver killed in crash with Autopilot active, NHTSA investigating | Reasonable Stresses |
22/06/2016 | 大家給點意見! 部車算唔算撞? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/06/2016 | 油價計算機 | Useful Information |
15/06/2016 | 燃油現金折扣表 | Useful Information |
11/06/2016 | 放下身段 以客為先 | Reasonable Stresses |
09/06/2016 | 憑機械軌迹助市民脱罪 | Press Release |
31/05/2016 | 點解唔放靚車? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/05/2016 | 白色恐怖?還是刑恐? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/05/2016 | HKMI醒醒你新車驗收是權益! | Press Release |
16/05/2016 | 港版伽利略 憑機械軌迹助司機伸冤 | Press Release |
14/05/2016 | 補胎重遇客戶 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/05/2016 | 事故車出沒 青衣城請注意 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/05/2016 | 不收貼士 保持中立 | Reasonable Stresses |
07/05/2016 | 車房話車駁過 香港驗車即時處理 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/05/2016 | 車房話車駁過 香港驗車即時處理 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/05/2016 | 小心揸車 | Press Release |
04/05/2016 | 商用車日常保養知識 | Press Release |
04/05/2016 | 小心揸車 | Customers Opinions |
04/05/2016 | 事故車出沒 尖沙咀請注意 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
02/05/2016 | 事故車出沒 東九龍請注意 | Customers Opinions |
02/05/2016 | 事故車出沒 尖沙咀請注意 | Customers Opinions |
02/05/2016 | 事故車出沒 東九龍請注意 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/04/2016 | 買車留意事項 | Press Release |
29/04/2016 | 日做夜做 終於休息了三天 | Customers Opinions |
29/04/2016 | 日做夜做 終於休息了三天 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/04/2016 | Tesla 驗左先收?收左先驗? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/04/2016 | Tesla 驗左先收?收左先驗? | Reasonable Stresses |
28/04/2016 | Tesla 車主收車後驗車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/04/2016 | 【Tesla 車主收車後驗車】 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/04/2016 | 香港唔啱用?車主投訴 Tesla Model X 開車門撞天花板「花」晒 | Reasonable Stresses |
26/04/2016 | 淡市入貨時機 超筍價買心頭好 | Customers Opinions |
25/04/2016 | 首以機械軌迹論 揭拖車盲點 神探物理 助撞人司機脫罪 | Press Release |
25/04/2016 | 車行先收訂後驗車 車房驗後是事故車 | Customers Opinions |
25/04/2016 | 【考牌騙局】e-pass駕駛學校4店關門 學神畀錢冇堂上 | Customers Opinions |
25/04/2016 | 【為求自保 先驗車後出牌 全新 Subaru WRX 2.5 2016】 | Customers Opinions |
25/04/2016 | 事故車元朗出沒請注意! 2004Edix 白色 | Customers Opinions |
25/04/2016 | 淡市入貨時機 超筍價買心頭好 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/04/2016 | 為求自保 先驗車後出牌 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/04/2016 | 舊客戶買全新 Nissan Serena | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/04/2016 | 【新車都要驗 舊客戶買全新 Nissan Serena】 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/04/2016 | 車行先收訂後驗車 車房驗後是事故車 | Reasonable Stresses |
24/04/2016 | 事故車元朗出沒請注意 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/04/2016 | 代理賣二手車 聲稱沒事故 買後一驗! 點知! | Reasonable Stresses |
23/04/2016 | 車行先收訂後驗車 車房驗後是事故車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/04/2016 | 【考牌騙局】e-pass駕駛學校4店關門 學神畀錢冇堂上 | Press Release |
22/04/2016 | 雞蛋與高牆 顛覆傳統買車程序? | Press Release |
20/04/2016 | 中港矛盾 | Customers Opinions |
19/04/2016 | 也許當時我們年紀小 驗車重遇小學大師兄 | Customers Opinions |
19/04/2016 | 波子也移民 全因異國情 | Customers Opinions |
18/04/2016 | 買新車注意事項 | Press Release |
18/04/2016 | 賣驗車報告 同出一轍 | Press Release |
15/04/2016 | 買新車注意事項 | Press Release |
15/04/2016 | 新車都要驗 先驗車後出牌 舊客換2016 Q3 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/04/2016 | 突發事件 直擊報導 | Press Release |
14/04/2016 | 平治百年老店 仁孚代理配合 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/04/2016 | 新車都要驗 驗左唔啱換過部 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/04/2016 | 信錯名人買錯車 $65萬二手波子原來撞過 | Press Release |
10/04/2016 | 魔術手Roy 預約驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/04/2016 | 難逃一劫? 驗車-----保你全家平安 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/04/2016 | 帶著矛盾去驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/04/2016 | 新車都要驗 Tesla完美演繹 第一次 | Reasonable Stresses |
07/04/2016 | 自動駕駛模式首次致命 Tesla忠實粉絲撞貨櫃車亡 | Press Release |
06/04/2016 | [這是事故車] 2011年Polo A柱維修 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
06/04/2016 | HKMI 用自己方法 驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
06/04/2016 | 借分享Tesla車主真個案 | Reasonable Stresses |
06/04/2016 | 買新車 先驗車後出牌 | Reasonable Stresses |
06/04/2016 | 買車唔同買棵菜 | Reasonable Stresses |
05/04/2016 | 選擇香港驗車 全因有根有據 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 今日到理工大學,見兩位專業人士。 | Customers Opinions |
04/04/2016 | 國內光纖老闆買賓利 | Customers Opinions |
04/04/2016 | 私人買賣 必須核對車輛登記文件 | Customers Opinions |
04/04/2016 | 【保障權益 新車照驗】 驗電動車 中途加驗 點知? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 【新車主 親身表白】 點解新車都要驗? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 為求目的 車主付告票 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 真。驗車 心仍未冷 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 真個案 02/3岑生 荃灣有線隔離 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 回售保值計劃 Vs新車都要驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 新車唔驗收 後悔莫及? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 個人身份驗 新車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/04/2016 | 新車交收前必須驗收 免爭拗必須詳細記錄 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 新車都要驗 差點驗錯車 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 新車主留意 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 新車主唔收車 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 客人要求 先驗車後出牌 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 無言以對 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 未到四月一日愚人節 驗新車事件簿 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 新車都要驗 代理肯承擔 唔啱換到啱 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 全新 Fiat Abarth 595 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/04/2016 | 盧Sir 提提你: 新車驗收 消費權益 | Activity Classrooms |
29/03/2016 | 港版伽利略 盧覺強 離開工作了40年的校園 | Press Release |
29/03/2016 | 評論天后廟道 停車場意外事件 | Press Release |
29/03/2016 | 新車都要驗 全新2014 Fiat 500 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/03/2016 | 合情合理 | Reasonable Stresses |
29/03/2016 | 終止驗車 中止待續 | Reasonable Stresses |
29/03/2016 | 有咁既老豆 未有咁既仔 | Reasonable Stresses |
23/03/2016 | 出席商業電台 有誰共鳴節目訪問 | Press Release |
23/03/2016 | 全球限量版 買前全車檢查 | Reasonable Stresses |
21/03/2016 | 出席電台訪問 | Press Release |
21/03/2016 | 保障自身權益 新車仔細檢驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/03/2016 | 驗車前心情忐忑 驗車後身心釋懷 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/03/2016 | Engine No與 車輛登記文件 不符 | Reasonable Stresses |
18/03/2016 | 朋友轉讓 都要驗車 CLA250一手 出事了 | Reasonable Stresses |
18/03/2016 | 車主唔知事故車 是真唔知定扮儍 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/03/2016 | 市場罕有又如何? 車撞過就係撞過! | Customers Opinions |
16/03/2016 | 新車都要驗? 車主的權利? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/03/2016 | 自己唔識 為求安心 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/03/2016 | 直播預告 日期2016.3.14 星期一 | Customers Opinions |
14/03/2016 | 出席 兒童腎病基金 | Customers Opinions |
14/03/2016 | 直播 驗 林寶堅利 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/03/2016 | 直播 林寶試車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/03/2016 | 新車都要驗 Audi 限購25部 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/03/2016 | 新車都要驗 2016 Voxy | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/03/2016 | 玩具 Dream car | Reasonable Stresses |
09/03/2016 | 新車都要驗 驗後油漆有瑕疵 福士代理承諾跟進 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/03/2016 | 帽眼睇 代Bid車出事鳥! | Reasonable Stresses |
07/03/2016 | 二十四孝爸爸 買車為接BB郊遊 | Customers Opinions |
07/03/2016 | 【代客驗收 全新 Alphard】 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/03/2016 | 車行收 Ferrari 預約驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
03/03/2016 | 新車都要驗 Toyota16座長陣 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/02/2016 | 祝兒童腎病基金 | Customers Opinions |
29/02/2016 | 行家 2005黄色 Porte | Reasonable Stresses |
26/02/2016 | 驗新車預告 Toyotavoxy 2016 white | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/02/2016 | Stepwgn 事件簿 | Reasonable Stresses |
21/02/2016 | HKMI 警訊 小心私人買賣陷阱 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/02/2016 | 明知故犯 無計! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/02/2016 | 書到用時方恨少 驗車令我更上進 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/02/2016 | 苛政猛於虎 政府外判商 寧賣車不供車 | Reasonable Stresses |
17/02/2016 | 慎入私炒 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/02/2016 | 226 VS 360 信任=商譽 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/02/2016 | 朋友真係信唔過? | Reasonable Stresses |
12/02/2016 | 初五開工大吉 真車主真買家 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/02/2016 | 教你用科學醒買二手車 | Activity Classrooms |
07/02/2016 | 擔任 馬路的事 嘉賓 | Press Release |
07/02/2016 | 戒謊 | Customers Opinions |
07/02/2016 | 有果句講果句 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/02/2016 | 買二手車騙局 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/02/2016 | 買新車應該是完美無瑕! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/02/2016 | 又嘥左1100蚊! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
06/02/2016 | HKMI驗車師傅 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
05/02/2016 | 2015 Fiat abarth | Reasonable Stresses |
01/02/2016 | 2015新車用2014車呔? | Reasonable Stresses |
01/02/2016 | 碼頭傳真 | Reasonable Stresses |
30/01/2016 | 打破二手車買賣模式 消費權益先驗後落訂 | Reasonable Stresses |
28/01/2016 | 無論何地 以客為先 | Reasonable Stresses |
26/01/2016 | 我見過我真係見過 | Reasonable Stresses |
25/01/2016 | 溫度再降 緊守崗位 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/01/2016 | 驗車服務照常,買賣雙方記得穿多件衫 | Reasonable Stresses |
23/01/2016 | 【衝突】 | Reasonable Stresses |
19/01/2016 | 老鼠車? | Customers Opinions |
19/01/2016 | HKMI警訊-----小心合約陷阱 | Reasonable Stresses |
17/01/2016 | 不打不相識 真心真讚美 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/01/2016 | O咀知道決定 驗後再作選擇 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/01/2016 | O咀知道決定 驗後再作選擇 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/01/2016 | 這是事故車 錦繡連驗兩部 連鑊兩部 車行要求中止 提早收工 | Reasonable Stresses |
11/01/2016 | 港版伽利略出手 牛頓定律打甩司機老不 | Press Release |
11/01/2016 | 客人升呢 買全新車 保障權益 驗收新車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
11/01/2016 | 點止揸車咁簡單? | Reasonable Stresses |
07/01/2016 | BU講師被控不小心駕駛 盧覺強靠定點計算翻案 | Press Release |
07/01/2016 | 香港驗車顧問盧覺強評論屯門停車場意外事件 | Press Release |
07/01/2016 | 香港驗車顧問盧覺強評論屯門停車場意外事件 | Press Release |
04/01/2016 | 交車高峰期 新車都要驗 交車唔驗車 新車變花車 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/01/2016 | 驗新車預告 明天驗 H1 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
31/12/2015 | 2015年 HKMI香港驗車 回顧 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
31/12/2015 | 全港首創驗收新車服務 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/12/2015 | 新車不完美 新車都要驗 運送過程 處理不當 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/12/2015 | 驗收新車一take 過 | Reasonable Stresses |
27/12/2015 | 原來如此!車行約驗車! | Reasonable Stresses |
25/12/2015 | 火紅法拉利 迎接平安夜 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
24/12/2015 | 買二手車唔好學 毒男坤哥 | Reasonable Stresses |
24/12/2015 | 老表你好嘢?千祈唔好惹! | Reasonable Stresses |
22/12/2015 | 新車的缺憾!要執! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/12/2015 | 新車唔驗得?點算? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/12/2015 | 【內傷】 | Reasonable Stresses |
21/12/2015 | 新車皮肉之苦 門有偏差 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/12/2015 | 【2013賓利 全原裝冇事故】 堅咪正型 冇中港底 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/12/2015 | 本會顧問 盧覺強 成功攔截屈錢司機 | Press Release |
15/12/2015 | 【監察勝於一切 保障消費權益】 提早預約收車 車主更有保障 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/12/2015 | 天氣寒冷繼續努力 守護買家為你把關 | Reasonable Stresses |
11/12/2015 | 十年----誠信為人 實在做事 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/12/2015 | 十面埋伏 | Reasonable Stresses |
09/12/2015 | 再度重逢 | Reasonable Stresses |
09/12/2015 | 誠信比專業更重要 | Reasonable Stresses |
07/12/2015 | 我係淑女!唔好掂我! | Reasonable Stresses |
05/12/2015 | 電腦驗車? 唔用 原廠電腦!不如唔好驗! | Reasonable Stresses |
05/12/2015 | 第一次!始終都有第一次! | Reasonable Stresses |
04/12/2015 | 【先驗車後落訂是常識! 合約?魔鬼就在細節裡】 二手車保養惹爭拗 換車又坐地起價 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/12/2015 | 唔收訂任驗 睇啱先交收 核對文件 必付本票 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/12/2015 | 嗯!慢慢開 慢慢睇 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
30/11/2015 | 2006年全港首創流動驗車 10年後流動銀行終於出現 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
30/11/2015 | 【買新車注意事項】 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
30/11/2015 | 區議會選舉,過了一星期 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
30/11/2015 | 新車?唔好玩啦! 2014年都叫新車 | Reasonable Stresses |
23/11/2015 | 此地無銀三百両 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/11/2015 | 買二手車朋友 記得入去聽聽 | Press Release |
18/11/2015 | 買二手車唔驗車 等於燒銀紙! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/11/2015 | 圓規為什麼可以畫圓? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/11/2015 | 什麼是福祉車? | Press Release |
16/11/2015 | 買前問清問楚 車主聲稱直版任驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/11/2015 | 又多一間!先驗車後落訂 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/11/2015 | 驗車最緊要君真! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/11/2015 | 消費者權益 代客驗收新車 收車前檢查 避免口同鼻拗 | Reasonable Stresses |
14/11/2015 | 2013鑊車駁尾沙板 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/11/2015 | 男人的浪漫! 何止豆腐火腩飯! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/11/2015 | 消費者權益 新車都要驗 交收前驗車 保障消費者 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/11/2015 | 福祉車出牌唔清唔楚 隨時保險冇得賠! | Reasonable Stresses |
09/11/2015 | 二手車買賣要小心 | Press Release |
09/11/2015 | 運輸署車輛過戶保單唔使print 出來 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
06/11/2015 | 又有車返! | Reasonable Stresses |
06/11/2015 | 2003 白色多手Cube Engine No.與牌簿不符 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/11/2015 | 排放作弊餘波未了 被美政府揭另一宗罪 | Press Release |
04/11/2015 | 經常有車主說,錢都收了,將文件交給買家自己過戶,有什麼問題? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/10/2015 | 各香港驗車客戶有優惠 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/10/2015 | 香港驗車負責人朱祖恩 接受香港電台訪問 | Press Release |
19/10/2015 | 買賣不過戶 刑責要自負 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/10/2015 | 香港驗車負責人朱祖恩先生 接受星島日報專訪 | Press Release |
07/10/2015 | 塞車!終於返到屋企! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
06/10/2015 | 驗車何價? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
02/10/2015 | 有商有量 和諧家庭 最後定案 由子決定 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/09/2015 | 香港驗車 點止驗車咁簡單 公平消費 為公義發聲打拼 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/09/2015 | 真正私人買賣 過户本票成交 蓮花Elise正型 骨架車身完美 | Reasonable Stresses |
25/09/2015 | 大行買二手車有保障? Trade in車撞頭冇整即賣! | Reasonable Stresses |
24/09/2015 | 香港車主權益會顧問 盧覺強 接受明報訪問,評論福士事件 | Press Release |
24/09/2015 | 企業的建立,是要有誠信,肯承擔! | Press Release |
24/09/2015 | Showroom 車又如何? 同細行沒什麼分別? | Reasonable Stresses |
24/09/2015 | 馬田英雄救美 擊退私炒賣家 真車主親到場 核對車主身份 | Reasonable Stresses |
24/09/2015 | 馬田驗AE86 遇到燒方方 知道仲想買!唔駛驗啦! | Reasonable Stresses |
21/09/2015 | 法律知多D 電子狗裝置是否違法? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/09/2015 | 【法律知多D!】行車記錄儀能否作呈堂證供? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/09/2015 | 忠實支持 只因不偏不倚 驗左先買 程序公開透明 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/09/2015 | 積木車?語言偽術 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/09/2015 | 每一行都有老千,大家要小心! | Reasonable Stresses |
16/09/2015 | 再度重遇你 可喜也可悲! | Reasonable Stresses |
15/09/2015 | 金錢世界 - 醒目購買二手日本車 | Press Release |
14/09/2015 | 老友私讓 推薦HKMI 車房驗冇事 HKMI驗事故 點解? | Reasonable Stresses |
11/09/2015 | 壹周刊訪問 [買賣二手車貼士] | Press Release |
09/09/2015 | 緣份的天空 | Reasonable Stresses |
07/09/2015 | 苦讀30年 由行船做到工程師 盧覺強退休 繼續做冤情大使 | Press Release |
07/09/2015 | 盧Sir 我的良師 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/09/2015 | 車房老友介紹 買撞尾Porte | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/09/2015 | 【驗車師傅日記】病從口入 禍從口出 | Reasonable Stresses |
07/09/2015 | 【驗車師傅日記】添開工喇!為買家把關! | Reasonable Stresses |
03/09/2015 | 呢個人相當有可疑 2015.7月轉名 九月賣車 | Reasonable Stresses |
03/09/2015 | 風雲萬變後 一切會如舊 買車不成 取消驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
17/08/2015 | 是其是,非其非 説真相,被杯葛 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/08/2015 | 是其是,非其非 説真相,被杯葛 | Reasonable Stresses |
17/08/2015 | 撞過正常? 唔撞唔正常? 2006 BMW 323i | Reasonable Stresses |
13/08/2015 | 岀席商台錄音 偶遇森美 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/08/2015 | 靚車分享 大人玩具 超合金法拉利 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/08/2015 | 是其是,非其非 説真相,被杯葛 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/08/2015 | 行貨 2013 Noah 車撞唔維修 唔修理照賣 | Reasonable Stresses |
11/08/2015 | 去片 香港驗車負責人朱祖恩 接受壹週刋專訪 | Press Release |
11/08/2015 | 翻驗波子 車行當我地盲 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
11/08/2015 | 保障自身安全 買車必須驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
06/08/2015 | 今期壹周刊第1236期06.08.2015專訪香港驗車負責人 | Press Release |
06/08/2015 | 客人驗買果部 車行驗客果部 公平交易 公道收車 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/08/2015 | 私人轉讓 何解壯士斷臂? | Reasonable Stresses |
31/07/2015 | 代Bid日本水貨車 隔山買牛 分紙信唔過 自己Bid 真的從心所欲? | Reasonable Stresses |
30/07/2015 | 大行購入 驗車一切正常 今天賣車 驗車撞頭撞尾 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/07/2015 | 忠忠直直 終需乞食? 車行老實 承諾跟進! | Reasonable Stresses |
27/07/2015 | 供不應求事故車混水摸魚 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/07/2015 | [這是事故車] 年份新 手數多 復修後 價值高 2013寶馬 | Reasonable Stresses |
27/07/2015 | 治標還是治本? | Reasonable Stresses |
27/07/2015 | 這是事故車 高危FD2遇左有事故 點只事故咁簡單! | Reasonable Stresses |
24/07/2015 | 【商業電台雷霆881】政策過時 適時檢討 保障市民 | Press Release |
24/07/2015 | 小心騙案 原來警務署都有講 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/07/2015 | 接受星島訪問 | Press Release |
23/07/2015 | 【商業電台雷霆881】小心購入事故車 核對文件要謹慎 | Press Release |
23/07/2015 | 【商業電台雷霆881】用從政經驗 游說車行先驗車後落訂 | Press Release |
22/07/2015 | 買車唔驗車 小心買賊車 | Press Release |
22/07/2015 | Andy 送給Miss退休的禮物 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/07/2015 | 西九衝突事件 警方介入解決 | Reasonable Stresses |
22/07/2015 | [這是事故車] 真唔知定假唔知? 香港驗車話你知! | Reasonable Stresses |
20/07/2015 | 林寶好彩有驗唔係都唔知咁正 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 經典AE86 準買家最終接受事實 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | [事故車熱線] 小心事故車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 車行水貨2010行八萬 客人查詢是否堅咪 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 有商有量 改地點改時間 車行帶女賣車實錄 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 事故車中止檢查 塘邊鶴拒絕接受 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 誰是説謊者? 事故車2011寶馬116i | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 真私讓 咪數堅 零首 車靚 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 【這是事故車】揾食車2012Hiace | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 老千車行你諗都唔好諗 HKMI 唔會俾你過兩楝 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
20/07/2015 | 經典AE86 準買家最終接受事實 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/07/2015 | [事故車熱線] 新車落地兩個月 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/07/2015 | 這是事故車 新手買車遇事故高危車 2003年Honda CL7 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/07/2015 | 車主買車被騙 引擎燒簪口說正常 買家跌驗車費 執番身彩慳番幾萬 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/07/2015 | [這是事故車] 車主表示正形直版 為求放心預約檢查 2007行貨日產Serena | Reasonable Stresses |
14/07/2015 | 成立香港驗車目的是保障道路使用者的安全 | Press Release |
11/07/2015 | 2011年行貨Freed 銹到呢! | Reasonable Stresses |
10/07/2015 | 不用客氣!我們應該做的! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/07/2015 | 義助還少年清白 | Press Release |
27/06/2015 | 偷雞唔到蝕渣米 車行險遭坐花廳 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/06/2015 | 小心2012豐田 撞尾 未驗車 先落訂 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/06/2015 | 2006年Bb 同你揸開果架有什麼不同? | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/06/2015 | 咁都得!不一樣的車牌! | Reasonable Stresses |
27/06/2015 | 多謝吳生的鼓勵! | Reasonable Stresses |
25/06/2015 | 第一次又好!第N次都好 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/06/2015 | 非法改裝知多D Part 2 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/06/2015 | 【商業電台雷霆881】驗車其實好簡單 關鍵是能否公正中立 | Press Release |
23/06/2015 | 羅生祝您早日康復 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
23/06/2015 | 沒有驗車 致電查詢 樂於協助 只因專業 | Reasonable Stresses |
23/06/2015 | 是其是,非其非! 有果句,講果句! | Reasonable Stresses |
19/06/2015 | 私人買賣簽臨約 白紙黑字仍抵賴 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/06/2015 | 驗車不誠實,不單要付上刑責 | Press Release |
17/06/2015 | 交投暢旺 事故車湧現 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/06/2015 | 二手車有問題 驗後車行跟進 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/06/2015 | 又一間 先驗後買車行! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/06/2015 | 維護公義 無懼抄牌 大廠驗車 找岀真相 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/06/2015 | 銷售高手車行又語言偽術! | Reasonable Stresses |
12/06/2015 | 交通標誌模糊 誤導市民 政府應立刻跟進 避免意外發生 | Press Release |
10/06/2015 | 網上買賣風險多 車主謹記收本票 | Press Release |
09/06/2015 | 馬路「驗車」自己友 | Press Release |
05/06/2015 | 自己諗! 調較里程錶都賣廣告 | Press Release |
03/06/2015 | 重型車的監管 是否足夠? | Press Release |
03/06/2015 | 車行收車 預約驗車 客人買車 也要翻驗 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/06/2015 | 貪平中招 假手於人 刑責自付 害己害人 | Press Release |
28/05/2015 | 借艇割禾 過橋抽板 無中生有 講人自講 | Reasonable Stresses |
26/05/2015 | 最新車盤推介 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/05/2015 | 最新資訊 車從哪裡來系列 (一) 日本岀租車的自白 | Reasonable Stresses |
24/05/2015 | R車當4分車賣 日本分紙信唔過! | Reasonable Stresses |
21/05/2015 | 【國際頭條】高田認氣袋有瑕疵 美回收3,380萬車 | Press Release |
20/05/2015 | 小心被騙 買賣必須付本票 | Press Release |
20/05/2015 | 客人要的不單是驗車服務,客人要的是真誠、真實、公正持平的意見 | Reasonable Stresses |
18/05/2015 | 香港驗車,樂意為你行多步 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/05/2015 | 荃灣車行變面 客人無權選擇 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/05/2015 | 驗車造假偽造驗車證 森那美職員判服務令 | Press Release |
15/05/2015 | 接受商業電台 馬路的事訪問 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/05/2015 | 豐田及日產召回逾167豐田及日產召回逾167萬架車維修港澳萬三架萬架車維修港澳萬三架 | Press Release |
13/05/2015 | 核對牌簿的重要性 | Useful Information |
10/05/2015 | 快樂原來很簡單 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
30/04/2015 | 唔清唔楚 幾乎中伏 對清文件 先約驗車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
30/04/2015 | 各位香港驗車Fans 香港驗車作為一間立根香港的公司,除了提供公正,專業和不偏不倚的驗車服務外,更會贊助不同的慈善活動。 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/04/2015 | 至尊計狀元才 鬥智鬥力鬥勇 | Reasonable Stresses |
27/04/2015 | 各粉絲留意 切勿胡亂改裝購買全保 較全面 | Press Release |
25/04/2015 | 斷人衣食 猶如殺人父母 社會責任 保障市民安全 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/04/2015 | 半途而廢 有始冇終 | Reasonable Stresses |
25/04/2015 | 挪亞方舟 西九岀沒 原廠行貨 隱瞞事故 | Reasonable Stresses |
25/04/2015 | 大撞 有咩 我唔覺噃 | Reasonable Stresses |
21/04/2015 | 感謝香港驗車HKMI幫我逃過買車陷阱。 | Reasonable Stresses |
21/04/2015 | 驗車專業 保障民生 | Reasonable Stresses |
21/04/2015 | 買二手車 全因香港驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/04/2015 | 香港驗車支持關懷愛滋零目標慈善跑 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/04/2015 | 沉寃得雪 不可不看 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/04/2015 | 靚車分享.......大埔 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/04/2015 | 驚天12小時 真人版 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/04/2015 | 香車美人 2009 Lamborghini 開蓬市場罕有 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/04/2015 | 行貨都要驗 大埔事故車 2011 Honda Freed | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/04/2015 | 2014 McLaren | Reasonable Stresses |
13/04/2015 | Morning Sir! 2002年530i 保養非常好 | Reasonable Stresses |
13/04/2015 | 驗車奇聞 換玻璃唔駁電 | Reasonable Stresses |
11/04/2015 | 567車行 | Reasonable Stresses |
11/04/2015 | 趙生好男人 真相大白 還你清白 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/04/2015 | 誠實豆沙包 撞尾Sienta 驗後成交 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/04/2015 | 半年之約 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/04/2015 | 驗車地點決定車的真確性 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/04/2015 | 中港Alphard 主人的獨白 | Reasonable Stresses |
08/04/2015 | [最新消息] 私人買賣 小心程序 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/04/2015 | 我們的份內事 買二手車,真是要步步為營 | Reasonable Stresses |
05/04/2015 | 核對文件 慎防受騙 避免誤導 謹慎簽約 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
05/04/2015 | 事故車 屯門岀沒 | Reasonable Stresses |
03/04/2015 | 切勿以身試法 自動車牌識別系統正式採用 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
31/03/2015 | 新車都要驗 收車不成 元朗篇 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
26/03/2015 | 支持海關執法 保障消費者權益 | Press Release |
26/03/2015 | 港人憂心 驗車者增加 | Press Release |
26/03/2015 | 隱瞞來自災區 日商售輻射車 | Press Release |
22/03/2015 | 真車主 真買家 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/03/2015 | 女Banker為求安全 驗2015Porsche Macan | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/03/2015 | 為求安心 買車後再驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/03/2015 | 小心被盗Facebook 賬户 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
21/03/2015 | 都冇上架!點驗? 去我地車房吧! | Reasonable Stresses |
16/03/2015 | 粉絲楊生熟讀 Facebook 八鄉錦上路 驗CL7 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/03/2015 | 大棠驗車 波箱引擎異常 車行雙倍 賠償 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/03/2015 | 相片分享 請指出問題 | Reasonable Stresses |
14/03/2015 | 先驗車 後落訂 好處唔使多講 | Reasonable Stresses |
13/03/2015 | 311福島大地震 4 週年 | Press Release |
13/03/2015 | 311福島大地震 4 週年 買日本水貨車記得驗輻射 | Press Release |
13/03/2015 | 用心聆聽 更知你心 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/03/2015 | 簽約驗車後 要求轉另一部車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
13/03/2015 | 用心服務 用腦去做 口碑相傳 信實經營 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/03/2015 | 用空頭支票買8車 青年囚40月 | Press Release |
12/03/2015 | 今日專欄 核對牌簿的重要性 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/03/2015 | 向全港醫護人員致敬 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/03/2015 | 碼頭速遞 記得驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
09/03/2015 | 開空頭支票半年呃18車 | Press Release |
09/03/2015 | 九展谷德昭 任驗波子 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/03/2015 | HKMI的核心價值 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/03/2015 | 私炒的定義 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/03/2015 | 偷龍轉鳳 電池打柴 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/03/2015 | 女人能頂半邊天 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/03/2015 | 韋Sir 多謝您! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/03/2015 | 急不及待 放工即驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/03/2015 | 一而再再而三 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
04/03/2015 | 愛是不保留 -----四千金 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/03/2015 | 安全帶 很多人會嫌煩,不戴安全帶 | Reasonable Stresses |
02/03/2015 | 發生車禍,肇事寶馬解體為三截 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
28/02/2015 | 先驗車 後落訂 | Reasonable Stresses |
28/02/2015 | 無良車行 濫收驗車費 | Reasonable Stresses |
26/02/2015 | 新春開市 好兆頭 | Reasonable Stresses |
23/02/2015 | 香港驗車 祝願全港市民 | Reasonable Stresses |
18/02/2015 | 差D冇得驗 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/02/2015 | 海關商品說明條例 | Press Release |
15/02/2015 | 香港驗車 比麥當勞更方面 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
15/02/2015 | HKMI祝願情人節快樂 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/02/2015 | 驗車 愛的禮物 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/02/2015 | 隔山買牛,日本分紙信唔信得過? | Reasonable Stresses |
14/02/2015 | 尋人啓示 | Reasonable Stresses |
14/02/2015 | 年近歲晚 鑊車特別多 | Reasonable Stresses |
13/02/2015 | 買二手車 民調 | Reasonable Stresses |
10/02/2015 | 中途轉呔 唔驗Porte驗Ractics | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/02/2015 | 金玉其外 敗絮其中 | Reasonable Stresses |
07/02/2015 | So sweet 為妳鍾情 情人節 優惠 | Activity Classrooms |
03/02/2015 | 小心街頭騙案 | Reasonable Stresses |
03/02/2015 | 有口難言? 實話實說? | Reasonable Stresses |
02/02/2015 | 西九龍07年Toyota Corolla | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
02/02/2015 | 今日有幸目睹 貴公司 外勤 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/02/2015 | 香港交通安全隊周年晚宴 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/02/2015 | 生命無價 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/02/2015 | 買車唔驗車 蝕底揾鑊孭 | Reasonable Stresses |
31/01/2015 | 買二手車前 必須驗車 切勿胡亂簽約 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/01/2015 | 精明Uncle張中途轉款 驗部新D 慳番維修費 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/01/2015 | 精明Uncle張中途轉款 驗部新D 慳番維修費 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
16/01/2015 | 朋友代bid 今日賣車 點知! | Reasonable Stresses |
16/01/2015 | 私人買賣 三年車咪數合理 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/01/2015 | 黄牌 | Reasonable Stresses |
14/01/2015 | 迪師傅又出動啦 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
14/01/2015 | 買部心水二手車去影靚相 | Reasonable Stresses |
14/01/2015 | 冇相提供 實例分享 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/01/2015 | 教學相長 用心分享 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
12/01/2015 | 搏一搏 就岀事 事故車 日日有 | Reasonable Stresses |
08/01/2015 | 先驗後買 成功個案 音樂人 Michael So | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/01/2015 | 油電大霸換冷氣凍 coil | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
07/01/2015 | 夏天來喇! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
06/01/2015 | 七人小車 市場新寵 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
02/01/2015 | Lexus CS300 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
02/01/2015 | 右頭撞過 點知! 07'Mazda8 | Reasonable Stresses |
02/01/2015 | 保險達人莊小姐 買二手車前檢查 | Reasonable Stresses |
02/01/2015 | 代友驗車 硬頂開篷Opel Astra Twintop 1.8 2007 black | Reasonable Stresses |
31/12/2014 | 孝順女愛護爸爸 為安全約驗貨灣 | Reasonable Stresses |
31/12/2014 | 保險達人 一早叫妳坐穩D | Reasonable Stresses |
29/12/2014 | 曾生又換車 2006年寶馬三系 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
29/12/2014 | 家住新界 唯有換車 2012'LandRover Evoque | Reasonable Stresses |
29/12/2014 | 口碑相傳 永續經營 | Reasonable Stresses |
29/12/2014 | 善良車主 賣家不到 將心比心 車主任驗 | Reasonable Stresses |
29/12/2014 | 買前驗車 安心 識得翻驗 放心 07'Vw Golf R32 | Reasonable Stresses |
27/12/2014 | 明天28號是鍾生生日,祝你生日快樂! | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
27/12/2014 | 連續三天驗Fit 終於呢部冇駁陣 | Reasonable Stresses |
27/12/2014 | 又一先驗後買個案 關生 | Reasonable Stresses |
27/12/2014 | 蘇生真實案例 2011年C200真咪 | Reasonable Stresses |
23/12/2014 | 汽車保養的五大錯誤觀念 | Useful Information |
22/12/2014 | 馬田又岀動 驗Maserati 全車正型 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
22/12/2014 | 雙重標準 奇聞車行職員約驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
22/12/2014 | 好忙!好開心!好窩心! | Reasonable Stresses |
22/12/2014 | 師傅入大棠 看紅葉? 去冰雪節? | Reasonable Stresses |
19/12/2014 | 西九龍中心 現場直擊 Michael | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
19/12/2014 | 踢爆車房扮私人賣車 | Reasonable Stresses |
19/12/2014 | 寒冷警告下的驗車師傅 | Reasonable Stresses |
18/12/2014 | 老公我愛你 囡囡錫哂您 | Reasonable Stresses |
18/12/2014 | OH 藍天白雲 | Reasonable Stresses |
17/12/2014 | 近年最嚴重積木車 | Reasonable Stresses |
16/12/2014 | 2014【壹周刊】 驗車驗到足 汽車隱疾無所遁形 | Press Release |
15/12/2014 | 不吐不快 我們不是攔路虎 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/12/2014 | 客人急Call 放低媽媽 夜間岀動 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/12/2014 | 夜行者再次岀動 成功攔截事故車 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/12/2014 | 車行代客轉售 11年C200旅行版 堅咪 | Reasonable Stresses |
12/12/2014 | 與盧覺強講師共晉午餐 | Activity Classrooms |
03/12/2014 | 真咪 真車主 先驗車後成交 | Reasonable Stresses |
26/11/2014 | 點解返原廠前 找香港驗車 | Reasonable Stresses |
25/11/2014 | 新車都要驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
25/11/2014 | 衰多口 撞口卦 | Reasonable Stresses |
22/11/2014 | 燒簪口,不宜購入 | Reasonable Stresses |
22/11/2014 | 唔想買入問題車 記得買車前先驗車後落訂 | Reasonable Stresses |
19/11/2014 | 驗車實錄 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/11/2014 | 二手車選購前的檢查貼士 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
10/11/2014 | 2011【蘋果日報】驗車是是旦旦? 收咗奪命金 | Press Release |
10/11/2014 | 好男人 好丈夫 好爸爸 | Customers Opinions |
10/11/2014 | 真車主 真買家 | Reasonable Stresses |
04/11/2014 | 2014【晴報】 - 二手車買賣 蠱惑招多籮籮 | Press Release |
04/11/2014 | 2013【蘋果日報】用空頭支票買8車 青年囚40月 | Press Release |
04/11/2014 | 2013【東方日報】二手車涉案 買家變苦主 | Press Release |
04/11/2014 | 換車 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
31/10/2014 | 行貨車都有積木車 | Reasonable Stresses |
30/10/2014 | 港島區 驗左部駁頭車 | Reasonable Stresses |
30/10/2014 | 港島區又中 再來生銹變型七人車 | Reasonable Stresses |
20/10/2014 | 車行先生 搵食行遠D | Reasonable Stresses |
09/10/2014 | 大小通驗 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
09/10/2014 | 香港驗車 HKMI - 真實個案 驗車後感 2014年10月7日 李先生 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
03/10/2014 | 日本分紙 難分真與假 人面多險詐 | Reasonable Stresses |
27/09/2014 | 今日又驗靚車啦 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
18/09/2014 | 連汁都撈埋 驗車費未收過1500元 | Reasonable Stresses |
15/09/2014 | 2013【太陽報】 車房「化妝」術高超難識別 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2013【壹周刊】買賣二手車貼士 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2013【南方都市報】香港二手車交易務實透明3萬塊可入手一輛賓士? | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2013【南方都市報】車輛年檢在香港約等於“服務行業” | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2011【東方日報】 - 港人憂心 驗車者增加 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2011【蘋果日報】「包合格」車房最可疑 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2011【CAR1專訪】教你做個精明二手車買家 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2009【蘋果日報】轆 Book:4招傍身做驗車達人 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2009【東方日報】運署縱容「鬼車」通街跑 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2009【信報】驗車偵探 VS 蠱惑二手車 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | NOW新聞台 - 時事全方位 - 香港驗車的理念與宗旨 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | NOW新聞台 - 時事全方位 - 香港驗車創業守業之心 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | NOW新聞台 - 時事全方位 - 香港驗車創業之機 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 商業電台 - 有誰共鳴 - 朱祖恩的恩師吳明欽 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 商業電台 - 有誰共鳴 - 朱祖恩的成長之路 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 商業電台 - 有誰共鳴 - 創業之路 | Press Release |
15/09/2014 | 2014【AM730】日本海嘯水浸車湧港 生銹老化 隨時死火 | Press Release |
23/07/2014 | 蘋果日報 - 涉撞傷洋漢後離去 司機被控危險駕駛 | Press Release |
05/01/2014 | 爽呀!棍波 Porsche cayman S 2007 | Reasonable Stresses |
02/01/2014 | 2014【壹周刊】驗車公司揾食賤招 | Press Release |
16/12/2010 | 香港驗車奉勸大家要先驗車 後落訂! | Press Release |
27/10/2010 | 維護公義,決不做假! | Reasonable Stresses |
14/10/2010 | 豐田 ALPHARD 二手車大撞 事故車修復實錄 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
01/09/2010 | 二手車的重要資料 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
17/01/2010 | Curbstoner 二手車炒家 | Vehicle Inspection Sharing |
08/01/2010 | 大昌行驗車程序 運署要求交報告 | Press Release |
18/06/2009 | 英國驗車 - 服務收費 | Press Release |
18/06/2009 | 英國驗車 - 為何要驗車 | Press Release |
18/06/2009 | 英國驗車 - 為何要選擇我們 | Press Release |
18/06/2009 | 英國驗車 - 退款保證 | Press Release |
18/06/2009 | 英國驗車 - 常見問題 | Press Release |
18/06/2009 | 英國驗車 - 聯絡我們 | Press Release |
01/01/1970 | 【馬路上揸緊權益】想做個精明二手車買家 | Reasonable Stresses |
01/01/1970 | 【07堅咪原裝油 車價決定命運】友人代勞 現場直擊報導 | Reasonable Stresses |